Separate meals for weight loss
No one likes rules and restrictions, especially in the diet. According to the statistics, 90% of which started to follow a special diet sooner or later reject it to be entry-level. Separate meals for weight loss a variety of diet, which requires little or no change, to overcome every day is the power of artificial confinement.
Absent psychological discomfort, normal metabolism, one of the most common causes of overweight. Menu of a separate food is varied and never boring. So, this method of nutrition can be converted into a permanent and not a diet.
Why is it important to eat right, don't need to lose weight

Usually, the word diet means restriction of the usual diet, although this Greek word means "power mode", there are certain rules for eating.
If you follow the diet restricts the intake of essential nutrients, hard-limiting sooner or later cause the body to fail, due to changes in the functioning of the organs and systems.
It is important to understand that no one diet is not able to cope with the fullness. Weight loss requires the coordinated work of the body. To achieve a positive result to help compliance with the principles of separation of power. They are easy to follow through life.
Excess weight is often due to a lack of proper nutrition habits learned from childhood. Use significant amounts of products are made by using modern technology, the unfavorable environment creates a lot of conditions changes inside the body, causing a variety of diseases and genetic mutations, inherited.
The accumulation of extra pounds affect the breaking speed of the metabolism, way of life. It is no secret that many modern people lack of exercise, physical fatigue at work doesn't count. The accumulation of excess pounds the reasons for the habit of bad mood or depression to relieve stress with food.
The human body is designed so that a significant restriction in the diet during the diet, fat cells are consumed very sparingly. Women can afford to store fat is enough, in 9 months, so it is more difficult to normalize body weight.
In addition, during the "strict" diet to produce enzymes that promote fat accumulation. Therefore, after its expiry, even if one does not eat calories, the body continues to create reserves in case of another "famine".
The following principles of food combining, it is possible to naturally lose weight without resorting to various methods to artificially normalize body weight.
The benefits of proper nutrition
The idea of separation of power is not new, but most of the detail examined and analyzed in Herbert Shelton's book, "the Right combination of foods", published in 1971. The author, a medical doctor, Pediatrics, philosophy, Philology and other Sciences, belong to about 40 scientific publications.
In 1928, the clinic "health School with Dr. Shelton," he has had to improve various severe diseases, the correct use of the products, starvation, as well as exercise, exposure to fresh air, sunshine, pure water, adequate rest, sleep, hygiene, and emotional control. G. Shelton died at the age of 100 years.
The principles of food combining is not only related to compatibility or compatibility of the individual dishes, but also the philosophy of food. It turns out that the benefits of eating real food is small, if you eat it in the turbulent conditions of a particular disease.
Food rules are not strict. The author rather suggests a specific approach for certain products, according to the compatibility chart. The arguments convincingly, and to rely on the observations of physiologists, nutritionists and other experts.
The principles of food combining for health and weight loss
When fed according to the traditional menus in the stomach is a mixture of food. Each variety requires its own processing and learning. Often, these processes compete with each other, each other to block and interfere with each other to Hone the kind of food, create an increased load on the digestive system.
Chemical substances needed for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins do not work, and vice versa. The digestion of starch, the most common carbohydrate, require a slightly alkaline environment. Acid carbohydrates cause fermentation, gas formation. In turn, protein is digested in the acidic environment of the stomach.
When you use one product, for example bread, which contains carbohydrates and protein, the body is able to adapt to the digestion of carbohydrates almost neutral gastric juice. After the allotted time, the acidity increases for breakdown includes bread protein.
If carbohydrates and proteins are coming with different products (meat and potatoes), the body releases acidic juice that does not allow to assimilate carbohydrates.
As you know, the saliva gives an alkaline reaction, and therefore the breakdown of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. But the lye will neutralize even a weak acid. Therefore, the right to first eat meat and then carbohydrates.
Menu, separate food contains eat meals with carbohydrates and proteins a couple of hours between meals.
How to combine products from separate power source

Each product contains a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. In a separate feed, they are usually attributed to one group or another:
- Protein-rich meat products. fish. cheese. grain. legumes. nuts .
- In the form of starch carbohydrates are rye. wheat. potatoes. Starch is also plenty of green peas. zucchini. pumpkin. Less starch in the beets. cabbage. carrots. Quite a few green vegetables: celery. cabbage. sugar beet leaves. turnips. pumpkin. throat. parsley. garlic. green peas. radishes .
- Carbohydrates in the form of a lot of sugar honey. the sugar sand. sweet fruits – bananas. raisins. plums. persimmon. pear .
- Olive. sunflower. corn. creamy. peanut butter is rich in fat. Also a lot of their fat. meat fat varieties of fatty fish. nuts .
- Sour fruits represent the oranges. apples. lemons. grapes. plums, sour varieties and vegetable sauerkraut .
- Non-acidic fruits are sweet apples. peaches. pear. apricots. plum. blueberries .
Menu of a separate food for weight loss take into account the incompatibility of some varieties of protein. You can simultaneously use several varieties of nuts, but don't mix different protein products. For example, the protein is found in meat requires an acidic environment at the beginning of digestion, and protein cheese at the end.
You should not "help" the assimilation of protein, eat meat dishes, the lemon juice, vinegar, sour fruit. Acid reduces the secretion of gastric juice, causing digestion of the meat will slow down. Cheese or nuts, because of the high fat content inhibits the secretion of juices in the stomach, which allows them to avoid rotting and sooner or later recycling.
Protein products are compatible with herbs, green vegetables, of which there is practically no starch: fresh green beans, sweet varieties of squash and pumpkin, celery, cucumbers, radishes, parsley, lettuce.
Fatty meals slow down the secretion of gastric juice, so it is not necessary to consume protein in fatty foods. By the way, protein is not metabolized completely. Action fat is removed by eating herbs, green vegetables. Salad are not necessary to fill with vegetable oil.
As a rule, when a separate power source becomes unnecessary oil, which is important for weight loss. Oil is not a food but a spice. If a dish does not want to eat without butter, the body of this dish is not required.
Sugar is not compatible with the protein-rich food, as digested in the gut. Stopping the stomach, where it is warm and humid, the sugar causes fermentation and gas formation.
Sweet food, also should not eat carbohydrates. A valid combination of oil and bread, but no jam or marmalade. It is not necessary to combine in one meal, and honey cakes.
Mammals, unlike adults, consume milk only during childhood. In the stomach it coagulates and becomes curd, enveloping the other food, and thus prevents its digestion. Milk is better to drink separately, in. Even in a single grain of benefit from it is small.
You should avoid desserts, and this rule is not only important for weight loss. A separate power supply as a separate dish, cake, sweet fruit is well digested. Together with other products of digestion will be weakened significantly.
Eat fruit, especially watermelons and melons, is separate from the other products, use them as a separate dish, and is considered a "real" meal. Fruits do not combine well with carbohydrates, proteins, as digested in the gut. The presence of other foods, causing them to delay the stomach and rapid fermentation.
A separate food really helps to lose weight, because it prevents the formation of the walls of the colon rotting of protein. It is believed that this phenomenon is inherent in civilized man, and his body has learned to cope with quite successfully.
In fact, the products of the decay — carbon dioxide. acetic acid. alcohol be in the blood, causing arteriosclerosis. wear out and prematurely age the body.
The body is forced to use the power of neutralization, instead of fighting of fat mass, improve health.
Product compatibility table
When the menu separate nutrition for weight loss to choose the compatible products to help the a special table. Every different products is rated number. For example, cheese is number 14, the number is listed in the corresponding rows and columns.
Apparently, when you check compatibility, cheese(14) sweet fruits(9) it is immaterial in what order to perform the test: cheese, sweet fruits or, on the contrary, sweet fruit and cheese. The result in both cases is the same.
Order to avoid duplication of data, the table presents the results, the suitability of any combination of products. This explains the "triangle" look.

For example, you want to check the compatibility of sweet fruit (9) and cheese (14). Are you looking for the table row number 9, which corresponds to the sweet fruit. But it ends column 8 column No. 14, which corresponds to cheese, nothing! How to be?
So, we need to check the compatibility of the reverse combination, i.e., cheese (14) and sweet fruit (9). Line 14, corresponding to cheese, is contained in the cell of column 9, a suitable sweet fruit.
This cell is red. So cheese and sweet fruit separate power source is not compatible and so these foods should not be eaten at the same time.
Why separate meals helps to lose weight
Principles of selection of proper nutrition can hardly be called a diet. Rather, it is a bit different, "separate" approach to the use of products based on the features of the process of breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates.
A separate method of power practiced in the animal world. But only man has learned to subject organic foods to the heat treatment, had they boil, fry, bake. To create original taste sensations mix different combinations to make sophisticated menu, and then select the satiety, shortness of breath, need to lose weight, high blood pressure and poor health.
Part of meal is not digested, rotting, decay products are fat. It has to look a certain way to lose weight, although it is much easier to prevent mixing of different products, use them separately.
Serving size menu weight loss can be arbitrary. The main criterion — their own feelings. If the table turns out to stand a slight feeling of hunger, that the fifteen minutes passes, so the dose size is selected correctly. If you still want to, you need the following way to increase the size of doses of about 10-15%.
Pretty soon I can understand the real needs of the body. To understand what, how much and how often you need to eat, not to experience discomfort and lose weight.
It is not necessary to eat at a certain time, it is much more important to wait for the feeling that the body is hungry. Then the food absorbed better and the pleasure. Some want to move to two meals a day. If, for various reasons, can not eat or just not hungry, don't worry. The body will still win the other day, this is a sure sign of recovery.
Gradually withdraw set by the modern information Matrix representation of the taste of the food. Should refuse tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, all kinds of artificial juices, sweets, canned food. It helps to restore the body's ability to get pleasure from the taste and aroma of natural food.
Self-healing, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The food absorbed better and the less power, the bowel to produce more of the necessary vitamins to strengthen the immune system, normalize body weight, to eliminate putrefaction in the colon.
Proper nutrition allows you to not only lose weight but also become healthy, to overcome depression and stress.